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FashionShopping & Acquisitions

Serving my country and shopping – all in a day’s work!

By May 7, 2009September 27th, 2009No Comments2 min read

I have the distinct pleasure of serving Jury Duty today. There are two crazy things about today – one is that there is apparently no crime, or no prosecutable crime, in Manhattan this week as there are no trials as of yet. I would be quite bored, but the other crazy, and cool, thing is that my friend Saranna Biel-Cohen, a fellow YPCC member, ( is also serving!

We both agreed that today affords us a good opportunity to shop online and blow that $40 that we are supposedly going to get for our civic duty. I look at it as another kind of economic stimulus opportunity.

I got to finally check out designer Laura E. Dotolo’s website for her subtle, elegant go-anywhere line of handbags. I met Laura at the gym (The same day Clive Owen was working out there! But that’s another story…) and immediately liked her warm, yet-strong personality. I’m psyched to report that her bags are GORGEOUS! This one below is my favorite. It has just the right balance of hardware and simplicity.

The Mail Bag by Clutch

The Mail Bag by Clutch