Exclusive invititation for The Women’s Mafia:
Please Join K5NOLA™ For A Pre-NFL Draft SPiN Charity Event
Supporting Sister Communities in Rebuilding: Haiti & New Orleans
Monday, April 19th
from 7:00 P.M.
SPiN New York: Susan Sarandon’s Club
48 E. 23rd Street & Park Avenue, New York, NY
OPEN BAR sponsored by KETEL ONE VODKA: 7:30-8:30PM+
Live Performances, DJ, VIP ROOM, etc.
Minimum Requested Donation: $20
Advanced ticket purchase strongly suggested
Visit: www.k5nola.com
Space Limited
About K5NOLA™
K5NOLA™ was organized by a group of New Orleans Saints Fans linked up in New York to raise funds and awareness to build homes for displaced residents through Film/Concert/Run-Walk events for the 5th Anniversary of Katrina. The group grew to include musicians, models, I- bankers, and lawyers, and has reached abroad to include a contingent from London. After the earthquakes struck in Haiti, the Haitian cause was quickly incorporated given the tremendous history between the two. The Stars 4 Foundation® is supporting these efforts. Join us: k5nola@k5nola.com
The Women’s Mafia supports K5NOLA™ and their efforts to rebuild Haiti and New Orleans. We are planning a big event to further support the cause in early Summer.