Meet longtime Women’s Mafia member and inspirational leader Leora Edut of Goddess On The Go! Her next event is this Sunday July 20th. Read about Leora’s unique life story and mission and join us this Sunday!
Women’s Mafia: You are a very talented and well known makeup artist, who is also a motivational speaker and social entrepreneur with Goddess On The Go, how did you get into those fields?
Leora Edut: Wow thank you! With makeup I fell into that by accident. I had no experience with it and I kind of was a little hopeless when it came to that. When I moved to NYC I was impressed by how well women put themselves together so I took a class and fell in love with it. In Detroit I was a manicurist from the age of 17 and was big time into nail art and airbrush so the color transition and being in the beauty business prior helped out. When I moved to NYC 12 years ago I was in kind of a dark place, luckily I have 2 older sister who had been doing transformational work and they introduced me to it. From me it was the first time I was able to let go of the suffering I experienced in my childhood and a lot of guilt and shame that I was carrying. I had never felt SO good in my life that I spent the next 8 years learning and unlearning limiting beliefs around money, love, happiness, relationships etc etc About 4 years ago I reached a point where I was like Hey, I know myself pretty well know I’m starting to feel a little bored and disconnected. What is my next lesson? It happened to be about sisterhood something I was didn’t believe truly existed. I started a small weekly Goddess group with about 7 women. These ladies weren’t people I would have normally chosen as friends yet I couldn’t deny how good I felt when I was around them. This began a whole process of letting go of having to be the “perfect women” or the “strongest.” I could show all parts of myself my vulnerability my hilarious and dynamic side and I was fully accepted and loved by these gals. I realized that so many women I knew did not have access to this type of community and I wanted to create it! Our first event was 2 years ago July 2012, I initially thought this was gonna be my side business but the first event brought out 35 women, the second event manifested 55 women, and the next event sold out with over 100 women. I realized that there was something bigger then just myself this was a need for women to gather, feel safe with one another, and celebrate the HECK out of life! Makeup has not become my 1 a week hobby where I get to paint and be artistic it’s actually made me appreciate it so much more!
Women’s Mafia: What is the mission of Goddess On The Go? Any events recently that particularly moved you?
Leora Edut: The mission of Goddess On The Go is for women to awaken and know in their bones they are important and deserving of taking great care of themselves. Its not just a massage or a manicure we need to authentically feel good. We actually need to slow down a lot more and connect with other women who we can open up and receive from. Its SO key for us to receive! From my own personal journey until I found this community I was more into doing things that made me look good instead of feel good. My ego was running the show 90% of the time. I felt disconnected from life from nature, from my spirit, and from other people. My pleasures were sugar and alchol and I knew something had to shift or I wasn’t going to truly be happy in this lifetime.
Women’s Mafia: When did you realize you could make your passion your career?
Leora Edut: One day I was sitting in my coach Dawn Copelands office and she asked me how I felt about Goddess On The Go becoming my main income. In my head I didn’t believe that could come true right away, however a month later was when we had that 3rd sold out Goddess On The Go and I chose that I would no longer put a glass ceiling on where this movement could expand to What is the wildest/bravest thing you’ve done? A month ago I traveled to Hawaii by myself. I visited 3 different cities and had to drive through a forest that was pitch black while it was raining pretty heavy. That took some serious trust of the universe!
Women’s Mafia: You do so much between your charity work, events and makeup career – what energizes you?
Leora Edut: What energizes is the way I take care of myself. I make sure I start off every day with meditation, journaling , and reading something that inspires me. I have FUN every day and love to try new things whether it be an improve class or traveling to a country I’ve been drawn to visit. The women I keep in my circle are living pretty kick booty lives as well so we energize each other a lot!
Women’s Mafia: If you could have anyone as a special speaker at a Goddess On The Go event, alive or dead who would it be?
Leora Edut: Marianne Williamson or Oprah they are both my sheros! Lastly, what can the Women’s Mafia help make happen for you? To spread the message to other women about the importance of coming together to do something good for ourselves. In ancient times there was the Red Tent where women took care of each other and really had each others back. When we take the time for ourselves first we are more open to receive and have extra energy to share in our important relationships!