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TALENT Profile: Gabrielle Bernstein of Her Future, Motivational Speaker and Coach

By June 22, 2009September 27th, 2009No Comments4 min read

by Marcy Clark

Our dear friend and fellow social entrepreneur Gabrielle Bernstein will be having a lecture on Mirroring on  June 29, 2009. A motivational speaker and the founder of the Mentoring and Networking site HERFUTURE.COM, Gabrielle Bernstein is known for her dynamic personality and infectious success.

Gabrielle BernsteinWe asked Gabrielle about her lecture on Mirroring, she shared: “Your inner life mirrors your outer life. Therefore, your experiences are a direct reflection of your internal state. Learn how to apply the mirroring technique in all areas of your life to experience maximal success and happiness.” Wow – sounds profound! I know Gabby, and this class will be life-changing and worth every penny.

Please Enjoy the Women’s Mafia Q&A with Gabrielle and sign up for the June 29th class today – spaces are limited!

WM: What was your inspiration for HerFuture? How did the idea come to you?
GB: I have been blessed with amazing female mentors.  If it were not for mentors like Bestselling author Karen Salmansohn, my coach Rha Goddess and my mother I would not be where I am today. I wanted to create a network where young women could have easy access to incredible mentors.

WM: You are a total powerhouse in front of a room. How do you get psyched-up for one of your speaking engagements or coaching sessions?
GB: Straight up sister – I meditate for an hour before every lecture.  I set the intention to share my truth with the room.  Then I let it all go and rock and roll.

WM: What do you feel is the most important thing that people come away with from one of your courses or gatherings? Any particularly remarkable breakthroughs or success stories?
GB: My main message is that you are the creator of the world you see.  It is your choice to live a rockin life and it is equally your choice not to.  I encourage people to make miracles in their own lives by shifting their perceptions on a moment by moment basis.  I am blessed to see remarkable breakthroughs weekly.

WM: You encourage women to be mentors or find a mentor. What should we look for in a mentor?
GB: Look for people who are of service to the world. If they are altruistic you know they will be interested in helping you too.  Look for women who have what you want. If they have what you want – do what they do!

WM: What can the Women’s Mafia make happen for you?
GB: The Women’s Mafia can spread their message on the herfuture network.  I would love to hear your voices, passions and inspirations.  I would love for you to utilize our network for finding a mentor or being a mentor.  Spread the love sisters.

WM: What is the strangest or funniest thing that has ever happened in one of your courses or sessions?
GB: Great question! There is so much synchronicity in my life – I don’t know where to begin.  Here’s a good one.  A woman named Natalie attended a recent lecture where she won my private coaching in the raffle.  The next month I raffled off a coaching session again.  Guess who won?!  Natalie! We accepted the Universal memo that we were clearly guided together.  We have been friends ever since.

PLEASE NOTE Men are invited to attend this lecture
Date: 6/29/09
Time: 7 to 9 PM
Location: The Community Center 208 West 13th Street (between 7th and Greenwich Avenues) ROOM 301
Cost: $20 ($10 for students with ID at the door) SIGN UP TODAY