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TALENT: Q&A with Global Fashion Stylist Engie Hassan – Meet Engie at The Women’s Mafia Insider’s Lounge

By December 2, 20092 Comments6 min read

EngietopEngie Hassan, the CEO of Engie Style, is one of our guest experts at The Women’s Mafia Insider’s Lounge: A Highly Productive Day At The Spa. When not styling runways and top magazine shoots she is referred by Plaza and the Pierre Hotels as a Global Fashion Stylist, Image Consultant and Personal Shopper. Enjoy this exclusive TALENT Q&A with Engie below and make an appointment to be styled by Engie this Saturday Dec. 5th from 3-7pm. She will be making complimentary 20 minute appointments and you can take a photo with Phillis Kwentoh afterwards! RSVP to

Women’s Mafia: What is your unique Talent? How do you share it with the world?
EH: I have a very keen eye for fashion. I am able to style people and make them look the way Engie1they would love to be perceived at a particular event or image; from glamorous or chic to rock star couture. Being well-travelled, I am able to understand the fashions of all different cultures, which is very important when you are working with clients from all over the world. I strongly believe fashion is a way of expression, understanding the cultures of people’s background and what works best for them is very important. The best way to share my talent with the world is to style and shop for people globally.  Making people feel beautiful and confident about themselves on the most important days of their lives is why I wanted to be a stylist in the first place. Sometimes you just need that extra person to guide your intuition or help you find it.

Engie7WM: You are an amazing net-worker and great at making people feel very comfortable around you. Where do you think that comes from? Any tips for our readers who are looking to improve their networking skills?

EH: I was very active as a child as I played sports, danced, sang in choir and acted in the school plays. I was always surround with different kinds of talented people. Being Egyptian in a predominately white school helped me break my shyness and appreciate other peoples cultures, unlike how I was treated. I always went out of my way to introduce myself to people in order to learn other cultures, experiences and take in their knowledge. While at college at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) I really started to net-work because there was so many students that were national and international that were in my program which embraced me to want to know more about them and their culture backgrounds. I think people feel comfortable around me because I am not shy I am very approachable.

I think my net working skills started when I interned at Vogue. I was told by a fashion editor how important it was to be confident and to approach people. She said, “You never know who someone could be and there is nothing to lose introducing yourself. No matter what you will learn something in some way.”

Engie5EngiesariA few tips to improve your net-working skills would be walking up to people and introducing yourself with a smile. You shouldn’t wait for someone to try to notice you first, you might miss a great opportunity. Also, know with whom and what your talking about. Do your homework, if your going somewhere with notable people in your industry try to google them ahead of time to put a name to that face. People are more comfortable talking to you when they are intellectually stimulated.

WM: When you do feel powerful? What energizes you?
EH: I feel powerful when I am in my element, doing something to better myself or Engie3further achieve my goals. Whether I’m networking at a party or exercising at the gym, even styling for a friend or client, it is the place I can be myself, better myself and do what I love. It’s where I have the most fun, am the most confident, and can be sexy. It is pure passion of getting what I want and achieving my goals that keeps me energized, especially in this industry it’s not easy. You have to want it, I know I have something to offer people, I know I can help and that’s what I want to do.

I also never back away from a challenge. But if you want to get specific it’s a Starbucks that gets me energized in the morning!

WM: What can the Women’s Mafia make happen for you?
EH: Womens Mafia can help me introduce my company to the world by helping me build my companies foundation, brand the image to how I would want it to be perceived and introduce me to countless numbers of clients.

WM: Lastly, share with us – what is the wildest/bravest thing you’ve done?
EH: I have done a lot of brave things that sometimes I look back and I can’t believe I did them, but my first bravest thing I have ever done in the fashion industry was at my first internship at Vogue magazine. When I was interning at Vogue I approached Fashion Director/Stylist Grace Coddington and introduced myself to her. I told her who I was what I wanted to do and asked her to help me. I asked her if I could assist her on photoshoots – and I did! It was an amazing experience.

To make an appointment with Engie or get her help with an editorial shoot or event styling call 973.722.2072 or email Ask for her special Women’s Mafia rates.

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • liboubou says:

    Thanks for the great article. This is one of the most talented stylist I know, I loved every single outfit she put together for me, her style is impeccable and she always knows what I need. She always give me the time I need and I highly recommend her. A++

  • Fedah Atshan says:

    Great article! Ive personally worked with engie on several occasions and i have been very pleased with her work. she has a great work ethic and always delivers extraordinary results. Not only is she great at what she does she a wonderful person inside and out!