Our friend Alisha Trimble was a star of NY Fashion Week and in her second event at ARROJO studio she presents her jewelry collection, alongside two guest jewelry designers, Coral Silverman and Anna Marcell. ARROJO stylists will be on hand to give FREE blow-dries and bang trims, makeup touchups, and styling tips and tricks.
Girls Night Out
Thursday 3rd December 6pm @ ARROJO studio
56 King Street, New York NY 10014
For this night only, they’re taking 40% off all ARROJO product purchases, and if you spend more than $30 on said product, you also get an Alisha Trimble Special Edition Cosmetic Bag (while stocks last) COMPLETELY FREE.
It’s going to be a great, girly night of jewelry shopping and pampering!
RSVP: ellen@arrojostudio.com with x’s and o’s